Over the years, career tips have evolved. What once was frowned up, could now be the social norm. Whether you have been on the job search scene for a while, or are just beginning your search, there are many outdated career tips that you need to avoid. Try and stay clear of these outdated tips:
- For decades, it was best practice to keep your personal life separate from your professional life, however, over the years that has changed. While you do not need to bore your co-workers or boss with details of your weekend getaway, today, it is common practice to share a little. Go ahead and share a little about you!
- Many businesses frowned upon any employee asking for assistance or help of any kind. Today, that has changed. Businesses are looking for workers that openly ask for assistance when needed, give suggestions, and are willing to go the extra mile and learn more. Asking for help is not looked at as a weakness any longer, but instead a strength and passion for learning.
- Social media has changed significantly over the last several years. As it is used more and more by businesses to research candidates, and as candidates do the same to potential employers, it is ok to interact on social media. Go ahead and follow co-workers and your company, comment on their posts, and answer questions from potential new hires.
- Maintaining a work-life balance is important today, therefore, trying to separate the two typically no longer works. Most businesses today, realize the importance of a work-life balance and are doing things to support that, such as allowing work from home, and taking time off for kid’s events. Make sure that you make your boss aware of the importance of a work-life balance for you!
As you navigate through your job search, keep these outdated career tips in mind and try to avoid them. Instead, consider the alternatives that may just help you in your search for the perfect job.
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