
4 Benefits to Attract Today’s Senior Care Talent

The senior living field continues to rapidly grow and evolve, which means that our strategies to attract and retain top talent must evolve, too. Landing the right candidates for key roles requires a deep understanding of what today’s employees are really looking for. As you consider your strategy going forward, here are four of the benefits that could make or break your ability to connect with the talent you want [...]


The Future of Senior Care: Attracting the Next Generation of Caregivers and Leadership

Several concepts and statistics exist about the overall aging of the world population. With that demographic shift comes an increased need for senior care and assisted living professionals to meet the needs of a growing number of aging seniors. At the same time, the field has been undergoing a talent contraction as more employees reach burnout or find less-demanding careers elsewhere. That’s why it’s important for senior care and assisted [...]


Hiring For Resilience: What Your Team Should Know

The healthcare field, in general, is a world that requires both technical skill and emotional strength. That’s especially true in senior care, where professionals work closely with vulnerable populations and difficult stages of life. This particular aspect of senior care is why hiring for resilience is such an important part of recruiting and talent strategy. It’s crucial to be sure you’re hiring individuals who have what it takes to manage [...]


The State of Hiring in Senior Care and Assisted Living Today

The senior care and assisted living profession is continuing to grow at a rapid pace. The World Health Organization projects that one in six people in the world population will be at or over the age of 60 by the year 2030. Additionally, by 2050, the proportion of the world's population over the age of 60 is projected to increase from 12% to 22%. This significant increase in the [...]


Navigating the Talent Landscape in Senior Care: How Executive Recruiters Can Be Your Compass

The world of senior living is undergoing a significant transformation in 2024. With an aging population and evolving healthcare needs, the demand for top-tier leadership in this sector has never been more important. Navigating this competitive and specialized talent marketplace can quickly become complicated and challenging. This is when an executive recruiter becomes an invaluable partner – serving as a compass in your search for the perfect leadership match. Senior [...]


Negotiating Compensation for Senior Care in 2024

Many organizations are poised for expansion in 2024 – and beyond – and it’s crucial to have the right professionals leading the way to ensure success for your company and your clients alike. When hiring for mission-critical roles, you can expect the conversation about compensation to be one that could make or break the hire. While every negotiation will be a little different, there are a few things to keep [...]


Why is Recruiting Scary?

Recruiting is a lot like a horror movie. There's always something lurking in the shadows, waiting to pounce. One minute, you're thinking you've found the perfect candidate, and the next thing you know, they've disappeared without a trace. Or worse, you've hired them, and they're a complete disaster. Here are a few of the scariest things about recruiting: The ghost of the perfect candidate: This is the candidate who had everything [...]


Caring for Senior Care Professionals: World Mental Health Day 2023

Senior care and assisted living professionals dedicate their careers to caring for those who need it, but it’s equally important to ensure they are, themselves, receiving the care and support they need. October 10 is World Mental Health Day – a perfect opportunity to consider how your team shows its support for mental health, and where you can do even more for your teams. There is considerable research showing the [...]


Four Top Workforce Trends and Their Impact on Senior Care

The last few years have put the senior care, assisted living, and healthcare sector under more pressure than we ever could have imagined. Now, as we work to rebound and reshape our field, we’re keeping a close eye on the biggest trends and how they’re impacting us. Saratoga, a workforce analytics and HR benchmarking product from PwC, has officially released its “Top 4 Workforce Trends,” based on the results of [...]


A Laugh a Day Keeps the Doctor Away?

According to many health experts, laughter actually has significant health benefits, both in the long and short term. These benefits aren’t just mental or emotional, either – they can produce real, physical changes in your body. The Mayo Clinic lists the following (non-exhaustive) compilation of health benefits from laughter: Stimulate your organs. Laughing allows you to take in more oxygen-rich air, stimulates organs throughout your body (including your heart and [...]

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