It is safe to say that the global pandemic has impacted all of our health. If not physically, certainly mentally, as many of us deal with increased stress, changes, and all-around uncertainty. Employees working in the healthcare industry – and particularly those in senior care – have been hit especially hard.

Unfortunately, it looks like we will continue to be dealing with the virus and its aftermath for the foreseeable future. So, many employers have been thinking about how they can best support their workers during this difficult time. In this article, we will go over some ways that you can start prioritizing your employees’ mental health today.

Take a look at your current benefits

When our mental health suffers, so does our physical health. This means that your employees might need to go to the doctor more than usual, which can lead to increased healthcare costs to the company. This is a good opportunity for you to revisit your employee benefits so you can be sure that you are prioritizing holistic wellbeing throughout the entire year. At the same time, it is important that your employees know what resources are available to them during the open enrollment period.

Do not be afraid to talk about mental health

While it is continuing to reduce overtime, there is still a stigma around mental health services that could keep your employees from seeking the help they need. This is obviously a delicate topic to talk about, but by creating an environment where self-care is prioritized, you can make a big difference. One thing that you might want to consider is bringing in a licensed therapist who can speak to employees about symptoms, tactics, and answer any questions that they may have.

Lead with empathy

Perhaps the best way that we can support each other during this time is to just be respectful and compassionate. Showing that you care about your employees by making yourself available – even just to listen to them – will speak volumes. Remember that everyone deals with trauma differently; some people might be more hesitant to voice their concerns than others. For this reason, it is important that you do not just wait for them to come to you. Make it a priority to check in with your full team on a regular basis, and encourage individuals to take regular breaks throughout the day.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash