Those in the senior care industry are a little worried about a new concept taking shape, active adult housing. While there are still some unclear details of this new market, many in the senior care industry are taking notice and looking to start some strategic strategy sessions to figure out how to compete with this new product.
Recently, there has been a rise in building complexes that cater to active adults turning 55. In years past, most adults looking for long-term care and senior care were averaging in age around 70. At this age, most of this age group is in need of some clinical care, along with everyday living pleasures. However, recent studies indicate that adults in the 55 age range are now looking to get out of their homes and occupy apartments that still give them freedom, but take away some of the normal headaches of being on your own.
Many in the senior care and long-term care industry are scrambling to find a way to compete with this. It is believed that these younger active adults will move into these new communities and as they age, will not need the services typically needed at a long-term care facility. This would be mean less adults for many of these long-term care facilities.
Because so many of these active adult housing communities are focusing on the adult and allowing them to live full and active lives, many other senior care communities and long-term care facilities are looking to implement some of the same concepts. Creation of new activities, cafes, and housing alternatives are all considerations to stay competitive.
Is active adult housing competition for your facility? The answer is probably yes. Now is the time to make some strategic plans to keep competitive with this new market.
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