For those working in the senior care industry, you are likely to find many articles about how important it is that you focus on your own health so that you are better able to care for those around you. And that is certainly true – particularly given the employee demand in this industry and the high rate of burnout. 

It is so important to remember, however, that the role of senior caregivers is not just to make the final golden years of their clients comfortable. In many cases, we have the ability to actually improve an individual’s health and extend their life – or at least the quality of their life – immeasurably. 

So, what are the most important factors that health workers should be trying to promote in their patients’ lives? Let’s take a look. 

A Healthy Diet 

Our body’s needs change over time. As the digestive system continues to slow down, it becomes increasingly important to incorporate more whole grains as well as foods that are high fiber in fiber, including fruits and vegetables. Many people also become more prone to dehydration as they age, so making sure that seniors are getting enough water is also essential to their overall health. 

Stimulate the Mind 

In order to keep the mind sharp, it is important that seniors stay active. This means continuing to do things like crossword puzzles, reading, and writing. It also includes socializing and engaging with the world around them. New experiences can help keep us mentally sharp. Also, when seniors continue to spend time with friends and family, their overall morale stays high. 

Keep the Body Active 

Physical activity is another way that seniors can ward off feelings of depression. The importance of this point cannot be overstated. Like all of us, seniors need activities to feel engaged with the world around them. When they stop feeling engaged, they stop feeling connected with the world around them, which is when major health issues can start to take over. 

Focus on Prevention 

No matter who you are, it is always easier to solve a problem before it begins than after it has already taken hold. Going to the doctor for regular checkups and getting the right vaccinations can help prevent serious problems down the line. Screening for changes in vision and regularly visiting the dentist can also help keep a senior’s quality of life high. 

By following these recommendations, you can help keep the seniors in your care as healthy and happy as possible, greatly improving their quality of life. In turn, this will also make the role of caregiving much easier and enjoyable. Just do not forget to take care of yourself as well! 


Photo by John Moeses Bauan on Unsplash